Here is where you'll find all my musings
About Making Pottery
About Making Pots I became interested in pottery slowly bit by bit over time, maybe I was a potter at heart but I didn’t know
About Painting
About Painting I have always painted. An introverted child my mother encouraged me. Making paintings was a form of affection between us, but becoming a
Respite Summer’s heightis nearly overlight kinder delicateis brighteningthe colours hidingthe past yearssecrets in its shadows Days seesawingunexpectantlybird song at longer hiding fromthe burning whitebut
Painting Autumn
Painting Autumn Grey lines stand askew mauve among the moving blue green blue hidden voices jump lively bright leaves thick with fight branches
Drying Land
Drying Land Then rain: grasses grow beneath part skeleton trees one 10 year old standing dead orangey leaves among the green those living still lift